EDVAlogo2022pos.png 24th March 2024 at 15:30
Riverside Leisure Centre, Exeter
Torexe Sirens v. UPVC Cyclone
Score: 18-25 22-25 29-27 21-25 7-15
Torexe Sirens PoM: Rosie Miller
UPVC Cyclone PoM: Sophie Bowley
This week Sirens faced UPVC Cyclones, Sirens put up a great fight, retaining incredible rallies, and improving our swing cover, however Cyclones had consistent passes and cover. I was very impressed by the teams ability put up a good first ball, they had great cover and kept their eyes on the ball, their consistency won them match 4-1. Although a tough loss we still learnt loads about minimising mistakes and trying to predict where the ball is going to go instead of just reacting. Great effort Sirens!